
Jack of all trades; master of none – Thoughts of an obsessive hobbyist

Life without a passion is like going to Italy and not visiting Rome.  You may never feel fulfilled.  Some have music; some have religion; For me it is all things DYI.  I have reached back to my youth for my first known passion, car building.  I can remember when I abandoned this hobby.  At the time it felt wrong, like I was giving up on a commitment.  I was raised to always fulfill my commitments (thanks Mom).  Now I can look back and realize that I never actually give up on a hobby.  It just fades into the background making way for new ideas and experiences.

As an insider looking out, it is hard to find faults in my method; however, in the name of objectivity, I will give it a go.  The obvious downside is the inability to master any one skill, although I do know people that do not share my affliction and they do not seem master a skill either.  Upon drifting into the culture associated with my project de jour, I will seek the most skilled for inspiration.  I am awe struck and for a moment a bit jealous.  Jealous because I know that this person has likely devoted the majority of their life in the pursuit of their passion.  I on the other hand am just visiting and will never have this level of expertise.  Sure this drawback is crummy, yet I am an addict and we do not see the negative; just as gamblers do not see the losses.

The experience and knowledge gained from bouncing around from one topic to another is immeasurable.  Keeping my mind sharp with my activities is a pleasant side effect.  Many of my projects require calculations or maybe just meditating about how to solve the next part of the build.  During the research stage, I will often stumble into the history and necessity for such a skill.


Lock Picking
Motorized Bicycle
Christmas Cactus