
Hobby (noun) – an activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure.

Project (noun) – an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned and designed to achieve a particular aim.

I find myself using the word hobby and project interchangeably.  There is sometimes a need to differentiate between the two.  Let’s just say all of my projects are hobbies; however, not all of my hobbies are projects.  More on that later.

I have one unique hobby unlike anyone else I know.  It is the collection and management of various hobbies.  
At any given time I may have a half dozen projects all in varying degrees of progress and contribution.  It seems as though I enjoy the ideas over the fished product.  I want to be productive as much as the next person; I just have too many things to try.  I am okay with the fact that I may never master or even finish some projects.  In fact, I sometimes quit or suspend hobbies before I even start them but we’ll get to that.

Some of the pages within this site detail some of my past and ongoing hobbies such as cooking or this very site and some projects I have yet to start.  The projects on this site are not intended to be a tutorial or a how-to, rather a place for my projects to live and grow with me and to serve as inspiration for me and maybe even you.  I suspect there are far better tutorial writers than me anyway.

Projects  |  Past  |  Present  |  Future